
Please inform Father Eddy on tel: 01522 528961 if you are due to be admitted to hospital or know someone in hospital who has requested a visit.  If you are unable to contact him please try telephoning: Canon Geoffrey Hunton 01522 682278 / 696838 or
Fr John St John 01522 522971.

If you wish to receive communion at home please contact The Clergy on 01522 528961

Hospital Admission:  Just a gentle reminder that if you, or a member of your family are admitted to hospital, the parish clergy are not automatically informed.  If you wish to receive visits from a chaplain and/or receive any of the sacraments whilst in hospital, please let us know.  Alternatively ask a member of the ward staff to contact the hospital chaplaincy team and they will arrange it.  The chaplaincy team also hold the rota of priests available for administering the Sacrament of the Sick in emergencies at night.