Our Lady of Lourdes 

Multi-Academy Trust

School admissions to Catholic Primary Academies (Reception class) - children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021.  The deadline for submitting applications for a school place is 15th January 2025.  Application forms are available on ‘home’ Local Authority websites.  For every Catholic school application where a child is to be considered and ranked under a faith criterion there should also be a supplementary information form, completed and returned to the school by the deadline; these forms are available from the LA and the school.  Applicants must also include the supporting evidence as required with this form, eg baptism certificate (photocopies acceptable; contact the parish of baptism for a copy if needed, in good time).  Failure to supply the required supporting evidence will mean the child is ranked in a lower criterion, which may affect chances of a place.

Our Lady of Lincoln (Primary)

Head: Mrs A Des Forges

Laughton Way, Ermine Estate, Lincoln LN2 2HE

Tel: 01522 527500

Email: enquiries@ourladylincoln.lincs.sch.uk

St Hugh's (Primary)

Head: Mr Greg Hughes

Woodfield Avenue, Doddington Park, Lincoln LN6 0SH

Tel: 01522 501137 Fax: 01522 501145

Email: enquiries@sthughs-pri.lincs.sch.uk

St Peter and St Paul’s (Secondary)


Mrs Caroline Hewerdine  Tel: 01522 871400

Western Avenue, Lincoln LN6 7SX

Tel: 01522 871400 Fax: 01522 871404

Email: sspp@sspp.lincs.sch.uk