Parish Pastoral Council

St Hugh’s Parish Pastoral Council (or the PPC as it is better known), gains it’s authority from and is responsible to the Bishop of Nottingham through the Parish Priest. The Revised Code of Canon Law [Canon 536] set out in 1983, allowed for the establishment of the PPC to ‘assist the Pastor in planning, coordinating and directing all aspects of parish life’. The decision to adopt Canon 536 across all parishes in the Nottingham Diocese was made in 1995.

Membership of St Hugh’s PPC is made up of 10elected members (currently 8), all members of the clergy, the Treasurer, and up to three co-opted members. Members of the PPC are representative of the whole Parish Community.

The PPC meets regularly throughout the year, usually every 2 months, although where necessary this is more frequent. Throughout the last year we have been particularly concerned with the planned refurbishment of St Hugh’s, as well as issues relating to the parish hall and reviewing the Parish Plan. In addition several issues have been raised by PPC members or through the suggestion box which have been dealt with.

Copies of PPC minutes are posted on this notice board once they have been formally approved at the following meeting, and will be available on the parish website

Should you wish to bring any issue to the attention of the PPC then please speak to one of the PPC members, a member of the clergy, or post a comment in the suggestion box.

The PPC is there to represent you as a member of the faithful community of St Hugh’s

Parish Coucil Members

Canon Edward Jarosz, Deacon David Knight, Deacon Kevin Pearson, Deacon John Wilford,  Susan Weaver (Ex Officio)

Michael Brett (Chair), Catherine Webster (Secretary), Noel Harris, Caroline Hewerdine,  Gillian Pearson, Catherine Webster, Ben White, and Mary Wilford