Parish Directory
Sacramental Programmes
Pre-Baptism Course: Any parent requesting Baptism for their child is asked to attend a course.
First Holy Communion: Please speak to Fr Eddy. Forms will be at the back of the church at the end of each September. First Communions are normally celebrated on or near the Feast of Corpus Christi.
Confirmation: Confirmation is celebrated each year in Lincoln and rotates around the parishes. Candidates must be in school year 7 or above. You do not need to wait for Confirmation to be held at St Hugh’s before your child receives the sacrament.
Pre-Marriage Course: Couples considering marriage are urged to approach Fr Eddy at least six months before the wedding date.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Regular courses for anyone who would like to learn about the Catholic faith.
Please contact the parish office if you are interested in any of these programmes on 528961
Altar Servers: Girls and boys interested in serving at Mass are always welcome. Contact the Clergy 528961
Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: contact Mr Michael Brett c/o 528961
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Saturday): contact The Clergy 528961
Flower Group: contact Miss Elizabeth Thorley c/o 528961
Liturgy Group: A parish group that plans and co-ordinates the parish liturgy. Contact Deacon Kevin Pearson 794801
Parish Organist: Mrs Helen Knight 07887606187 or email
Stepping Stones: Children’s Liturgy Group at 10.00am Sunday Mass. Contact Mrs Julie Webster 823763
Sunday Readers’ Rota: contact Mrs Mary Clarke, email:
Weekly Readers’ Rota: contact Elizabeth Thorley
Coffee & Tea Rota: Providing tea and coffee in the church hall after each Sunday Mass. Contact Parish Administrator 528961
Hospital Visiting: Lincoln County Hospital 512512. Chaplain: Deacon David Knight. Eucharistic Ministers regularly visit our hospitals, nursing homes, and private homes to take Holy Communion to the sick. If you, or someone you know is sick or infirm, please contact the Parish Priest on 528961.
Care & Outreach
CCJ (Council of Christians & Jews)
Rev. John Wilford:
Lincoln Inter-Faith
Mary Wilford:
Marriage Care: Marriage Care offers counselling to anyone with a relationship problem. You do not have to be a Catholic, or married. Contact Freephone 0800 3893801 or visit the website:
Prayer Network: A network of parishioners who pray for parishioners’ intentions. These can be placed in the Prayer Network box located in the Church. Contact Mrs Catherine Foster email prayer intentions to
Catholic Outreach Lincoln (the Lincoln branch of Caritas Nottingham). The contact at St.Hugh's is Mary Wilford:
St Hugh’s Players: An amateur dramatics group performing religious and secular works. Contact Mrs Ruth Holmes 544927
Student Chaplaincy: Contact Helen Townsend Tel: 01522 528961 Email:
Parish Administration
Parish Administrator: Mrs Susan Weaver 528961
Parish Fundraising: Mr Noel Harris 826390
Parish Counting Team: Mrs Susan Weaver 528961
Parish Finance Team: Canon Edward Jarosz, Deacon David Knight, Deacon Kevin Pearson, Mrs Susan Weaver
Parish Safeguarding Representative: Mrs Julie Webster 07513725258
Sunday Newsletter: Parish Administrator 528961
Hire of Hall: contact Parish Administrator 528961 (Please note: The hall is not hired out for private parties)
Other Organisations
APF (Red Box): Mrs Christine Brett 871992
Apostleship of the Sea:
Caritas Nottingham: email
CAFOD: Mrs Dee Ellidge 872902 and Mr Frank Heyes 511268
Catenian Association: Mr Alan Stephinson Tel: 01636 892110 Email:
Churches Together: Peter Foster Email:
Knights of St Columba: Martin Cook, email: